
Well it has been a long week...

I had intended to make this a very productive week with some card making but by Monday afternoon I could feel a migraine starting and it lasted for about 4 1/2 days.  I had made a few cards to post but just never really felt up to it. So finally headache free and after a fun day at our school/church rummage sale I am ready to post the cards I made last week.

The first card is one for a girlfriend of mine who turned 62 this past friday.  I had planned to post it to the CAS-ual Fridays challenge but that never happened. Thanks for taking a peek!

Solid Paper: SU - white
Printed Paper: Cosmo Criket Mini Deck - DeLovely
Dies: PTI - By the Numbers
Stamps: PTI - Big Birthday Wishes
Ink: VersaFine - Onyx Black
Flower: Prime Fairytale Roses - Buttercup

The next card is one I made for Christmas and just love how fun it is.  Last Christmas my mom had used these little santa hats on gifts, so I made sure to save them all.  I knew at some point I would find a use for them and here it it.  Thanks for taking a peek!

Solid Paper: Creative Memories
Printed Paper: Doodlebug - Christmas Pack
Santa Hats: My mom
Dies: PTI - Dress Form and Fiskars - Snowflake
Stamps: PTI - Signature Christmas and It's Offical
Ribbon and Lace: Britex Fabrics
Ink: VersaFine - Onyx Black and SU- Real Red


  1. Oh...4 1/2 days!!
    I couldn't have handled it!
    So glad that it's finally decided to leave and you're feeling better!
    Fabby cards...
    I'm sure your friend loved that bright, beautiful B-day card!
    And the Christmas one is too fabby...
    love the dress form with the Santa hat...
    way too cute!

  2. So glad you are feeling better! I love your cards, especially the one with that cute Santa Hat. I don't think I have seen the dress form used that way yet, how smart you were to think of it. Very good cards today Kim.

  3. My goodness. So very glad you are back. I love both of your cards, but I have to say that the santa hat on the dress form is just to die for. I need to get me some of those hats!
