
The 12 Kits of Occasions - August Edition

Kit Photo - Courtesy of Kara

This month's hostess is the incredibly talented Amy from Stamp-n-Paradise.  What a fabulous kit is always so much fun to receive a kit with goodies that you don't already own.  I have 3 cards to share with you today, to be honest, my plan was to make several more cards and a notebook cover but I had a sweet little house guest named Rachel, she is 10 years old and she loves to craft and I usually let her use whatever is in my craft room but by the time I realized that I left my kit laying out on my desk (hoping that I would have the kit with the "self assembling" cards in it), she had already gone to town! So I did my best with what she left behind for me to use, you gotta love little kids, especially those that love to craft.  
I love that we get several kits with Christmas card ingredients in them, I have plenty of cards to use to send out again this year, so fun to be so far ahead of the game! This is our second month using our new Blog "The 12 Kits of Occasions", there you will find the list of kit ingredients and links to each ladies blog.  Be sure to leave a comment on the group blog page, there is a giveaway this month.  Thank you so much for stopping by to peek at my cards....have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Kim I love how you let the patterned papers shine this month. The second one is definitely my favorite, I love the banners on the side and the faux stitching on the squares around Joy.

  2. Oh Kim! I just love the beauty and simplicity of your trio of cards! Each one is a highlight to the cache of supplies, and wonderfully utilized. They (almost, but not quite yet) make me want to start making Christmas cards! Lol. Love these. Bev

  3. How wonderful that you had a special guest playing with your kit...
    you should have posted her cards too! :)
    And you did fabulous with with she left you...
    simply perfect CAS...
    which are so easy to mail! :)

  4. I know it's not funny that sweet Rachel got into your kit, but it did make me chuckle, Kim! She certainly did no harm as you have created three spectacular cards from what remained! I really don't have a favorite, but that bow is delish!!

  5. Oh no …well you did a wonderful job with what was not used. These are gorgeous Kim…. CAS classics! Love them. How fun to have a special guest and I bet she had a ball making cards… I would have loved that at 10. Great job! Love that Joy card with the bold stripes…love it!

  6. Love that big beautiful bow!! Love that stripy paper...I didn't get that!! It's nice to see some different items!

  7. I couldn't figure out what to do with the strip of banners - they look amazing here! The poinsettia and snowflake as accents on the sentiments make them a real stand out. I always love seeing what you make!

  8. Kim, these are beautiful! Great details and design on all three. Wonderful Christmas cards!

  9. These are fabulous. I never would have known that any little elves had pinched things from your kit. I especially like what you did with that red flag die piece. I was stumped on that and I am glad I saved that piece because now I can case you.

  10. These are just great! You've put me in the mood to make Christmas cards, Kim!

  11. Wow...wish my leftovers looked this good funny that Rachel used up parts of your kit, but there was plenty left over for you to use. Love that red banner...I didn't realize it was one piece until I examined the kit picture carefully. I really love the red poinsettia and also that great snowflake.

  12. Fabulous, Kim--even with limited supplies! ;) Love that gorgeous bow! Using the banner strip on the side was a great idea--very cool look with the stripes. Thankfully I still have mine so just may need to CASE!!

  13. Beautiful Christmas Cards, Kim. I love the first card. This kit is gorgeous!

  14. Love that great big delicious bow!!!
    <3 J

  15. I love that big chevron bow! So eye-catching with the simple background and sentiment. The banner used vertically along the border is a brilliant idea! The striped paper is showcased beautifully on the third with that festive snowflake. An awesome 12 Kits set, Kim!

  16. Your cards all are so gorgeous! I love your perfect bow, the banner works so perfectly with the green striped paper and the pearl on the snowflake is so elegant. All great creations.

  17. You did this with what was left over?? Kim, I'm always in awe of what you create with your '12 kits' goodies ... these are simply wonderful! Love that luscious bow! Anita :)

  18. What a fun story about your little guest having fun with the 12 Kits supplies! You did an amazing job with what you had left. The ribbon on the first one is fantastic! I just remembered I have some of that chevron ribbon tucked away that I just had to have and now have rarely used. LOL! Love those Lil Inkers stitched mats on your second card and the fabulous striped paper with the beautiful sentiment on the last one. Great designs again this month, Kim!

  19. I just LOVE the story about your kit! I guess I should take that as a compliment that she liked my kit too!! :) Anyway, I think your cards with the "leftovers" tuned out beautiful!! The addition of the stitched mats for the "Joy" card was perfect......I like how you used that paper vertical instead of horizontal!
