
Colour Me #79 - Striking's time again for the new colors from colour me, challenge #79. They are just so beautiful together don't you think? I case'd one of Maile's cards using Daydreamer stamps from PTI, I love this stamp set and have not used it in some time. I hope you will find the time to play along with us this week, as always, I love seeing all your incredible creations! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by...enjoy the rest of your week!

I did some more sewing today and finished another blouse and while I was upstairs I hear a small explosion, I run down stairs to see what happened and it looked like a bomb went off in my kitchen. All I could think of was that someone threw something in a window and I am getting ready to call 911 and then I see a puddle growing underneath the freezer. I opened the door and this is what I found! My dear sweet hubby left a can of coke on its side with the end that opens facing the door. It blow open the freezer door and coated half of my kitchen in coke! This was not how I planned to spend my morning, cleaning coke off of the walls, counters, tea cups and everything else in it's path.  

But on the bright side I did finally finish making my blouse...what do you think? 


  1. Your card and blouse look great...not sure about the Coke mess though. I did that at school the last week, but I put can of orange soda for a student in my freezer (so it would get cold quick). We both forgot! That was a mess I had to clean the next day!

  2. Your card is wonderful!
    I can't believe a can a coke would do that...good to know and ick to the mess!
    Your blouse is fabulous!

  3. I love your sweet card, Kim, and your blouse is fantastic! Sorry about the Coke mess, that is not fun at all!

  4. So do you suppose your DH and mine are long lost brothers?! Mine spilled half a bottle of shampoo on the bathroom floor, and finally, after about 5 minutes of trying to clean it up, he yelled for me. What a disaster, lol! And your beautiful new blouse...oh girl, I think it's just beautiful. You are so talented. I don't even have one one thousandth of your sewing talent! And your card. It's beautifully CAS, and I love it. I will try to play along this week, but with all the stuff to do before company comes, I'm not sure if I'll be able to. But I'll give it my best shot. Your card, however makes me smile! Missing you. Bev

  5. Oh how awful--bet hubby felt terrible! Your blouse is beautiful--perfect for summer with the sweet little flowers. Super neat card, Kim--clean & fresh & modern!

  6. You card is so fresh an pretty Kim!! Holy smokes to the Coke mess, hope hubby gave you a hand with the clean up LOL!! Cute blouse, I see a card inspiration there!!

  7. Oh, for crying out loud, what are we going to do with husbands?! What a sticky awful mess to have to clean off everything! He owes you a HUGE Papertrey order for that shenanigan!! Your blouse is so pretty, Kim, and it fits you like a model! That's the object of making your own clothes, huh? And your card is pretty, too! What a great inspiration design for using those summery colors!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Lovely card. Again, I must tell you how impressed I am about your ability to create with ANY color combo. Nice summery blouse:) sorry about the coke mess :(

  9. Oh my. That's why I haven't heard from you in a while. If I didn't love Dwight so much, I'd be very annoyed right now. Sorry to see that mess. Love your card and that awesome blouse.

  10. Hi Kim, beautiful card and beautiful blouse too............oh my! such a lot of work cleaning up all that...poor you ;( Viv xx

  11. Girl you are so amazing! I love that you still sew... I used to do it all the time now not so much . Love your top! Love your card and the beautiful colors!
    Ok I did the same thing with a coke before as well..... but only after I spent the morning cleaning the freezer out first! I don’t clean it that often but I had to forget the soda the same day I cleaned it! Good thing you waited to call 911 lol

  12. I think blouse and card are gorgeous!!! Sorry to see that mess.

  13. Wow--you are a crafting goddess! Amazing card, and gorgeous blouse! Also, your story about the freezer totally cracked me up! I can imagine myself panicking as well! :) Julia

  14. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blouse! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the elegant simplicity of your card (especially the bit of striped paper at the bottom) .... but sure wouldn't love having to clean up this mess! you ever find yourself wondering how their brains work? I'd bet that you were 'seriously contemplating' this question as you scrubbed sticky cola from all the nooks & crannies!

  15. Wow, your blouse is stunning and really love the fabric you chose. Looks lovely and light for the warm days your having (you lucky thing....). I'm all about thermals these days! Love your card too, all that yummy white space and these are my favourite colours. Must make a card for this one!!

  16. Well, that coke certainly packed a wallop, didn't it! Good to know that setting it sideways may lead to unfortunate consequences...and I suspect your husband learned his lesson *grin*! Your card: LOVE x LOVE! Your blouse: LOVE x LOVE!

  17. SO SUPER SORRY about that Coke explosion and all the clean up you had to do - If I lived closer I would've joined you and made the clean up go faster!! Any how, so sorry about that!! WOW - your blouse is so cool and fun and I love the style and especially the print on the fabric!! It just looks so great on you!! Your card is a perfect use of that color scheme and what a simple and pretty arrangement of blooms!! Wonderfully done!! Hope you are happy and that you realize how completely awesome you are!!

  18. Such a beautiful card, Kim! More than can be said about the coke fiasco ;) That is such a terrible mess to clean up... Beautiful blouse, too!

  19. Love the diagonal bit at the bottom and wonderful placement of the flowers!

  20. I didn't know coke was so destructive, Kim ... what a mess ... and how sticky clearing it up ... at least it won't happen again! What a deliciously clean, crisp and pretty card ... love how you used those fabulous colours! You look wonderful in your new blouse ... it's just lovely ... you are so talented, my friend! Hugs & Bisous, Anita :)
