
The 25 Days of Christmas Tags 2019 - Day 26 Bonus Day

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Welcome to Day 26 of Tracey's 25 Days of Christmas Tags, if you are arriving here for the first time all the details and linkup can be found here. Be sure to take a peek at all the incredible creations made by my sweet elf friends....CarolJoyce and Lindsey. So excited to spread the holiday cheer through tags with them again this year.

Our amazing sponsor is Hello Bluebird!

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Today is the final day of Tracey's 25 Days of Christmas Tags, it has been simply an incredible treat and amazing honor to be part of this event. Thank you to Tracey and all the wonderful and generous sponsors for providing us with their fabulous products!

A special thank you to my sweet elf friends (partners in tag crimes), Carol, Joyce and Lindsey, love being able to work together each year with this group of talents ladies and dear sweet friends!

My final photo is one I took of all my tags from this years event, so much fun to see them
all in one place!

Thank you so much to all those who have taken time to stop by and leave some love!


  1. Pretty joy tag today. Loved getting to see your final photo too of all your tags together. Wonderful assortment! I have been putting all of mine in a large red bowl which is now full and fills me with joy when I walk past it. :) (I'm ready to start wrapping with guess I better get to Christmas shopping). ;) Kim, thanks for all the inspiration this year!!! :)

  2. ... and Joy to you too. Thanks for all the tags you've shared and the inspiration.

  3. OH, your tag for today is fantastic. I am definitely going to be CASEing you, perhaps for a card, though! I was a little stumped by that stamp set, but not you! What a great idea to show all your tags. You have quite a haul. It's lovely to see them all together.

  4. Oh I LOVE your pretty tag!!! You totally ROCKED all these challenges and I LOVED looking at your gorgeous tags!!!

  5. Fabulously playful and festive tag, love the clean design! What a wonderful collection of tags, it is fun to see them all at once.

  6. It's been a fantastic 26 days.
    thoroughly enjoyed all of it
    and appreciate all of the work
    y'all have put into it.
    thanks for sharing

  7. Holy cow - that is an incredible amount of tags! I love that joy tag - simple, but so lovely and cheerful!

  8. WOW, Kim...what an amazing collection of tags. I thank you again for all the inspiration you gave me. I'm so glad I came back today to catch up on my commenting. I didn't want to miss a single tag, so I'm super grateful I got to see all the awesome Hello Bluebird tags. I've been having computer drama the last couple days. Anyway, getting caught up now. Thanks again for all the wonderful inspiration.
    Karen Letchworth

  9. YOU ARE AMAZING! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for all your hard work... I'm pretty sure if you check my Instagram the MAJORITY of my CASEING was from YOUR TAGS!

  10. Beautiful! What a fabulous collection of ideas and inspiration you have shared with us! Thank you!

  11. Pretty tag! And what an awesome stash you have built up through the event! How fun to see them all!

  12. CAS and cute. Love the photo of the pile. Some of mine are already gone. The grand daughter wanted some for her girlfriend's gifts. I was glad to hand some over. [Bunny]

  13. Great tag today! It was nice to see all your tags together. Lovely assortment!

  14. Kim, all your tags have been fabulous! Love them all

  15. This is a perfectly fabulous finale tag Kim, you've done an incredible job on Tracey's team! I love seeing all of your tags together ~ BRAVO!

  16. All of your tags have been lovely. This one is too. I like the script font over the multiple"joy" diecut.

  17. That is quite the batch of tags, Kim! Love this fun last one for the bonus day--so festive!

  18. WOWSERS, you were busy with all these tags. They look fabulous!

  19. If I am not wrong I get one at the top left side
    many many thanks Miss Kim
    they are all adorable TAGS
    and wooow you still have them all
    coool collection
    hugs hugs
