
PTI Challenges


Hello...popping in today with 2 cards for 2 challenges over at Papertrey Ink. It is always fun going through my PTI stash and pulling out treasures from a years back.

First up is my card for The Great Cover-up Challenge. I pulled out a Gran's Garden piece to use as a stencil and then added Delicates die and Wish Big on Tag #4

Next up is my card for Melissa's Fab Friday Feature! Using card stock scraps. I have an old shoe box filled the old clear plastic boxes PTI stamps came in and have them filled with all PTI card stock scraps in rainbow order. Makes it easy to always find what I am looking for.

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by....enjoy your day and please stay safe!


  1. Two wonderful cards, Kim! The first is so feminine and lovely and I like the idea of the colorful stripes on the second!

  2. Beautiful layers, bold stripes -- these are two terrific cards, Kim

  3. What great cards for the challenges, Kim! The first one is beautiful & I love all your cardstock stripes!
